
the month with all the birthdays

March gets a lot of crap from a lot of people.

This is the month when winter and spring are seamlessly interchangeable, flipping back and forth without a bit of effort or warning.

Most everyone complains endlessly when winter dares to show its face, and they all threaten to pack their bags and move to Florida.

Fine. Move. [I'm not sure who's stopping you..] Join the mad rush of snowbirds from New York who transplant themselves to an over-populated, over-comercialized state that has two seasons a year - summer and quasi summer - if that's your thing.

[Sidenote: for all you offended Floridaphiles, I don't despise your entire state. I'm dying to visit Harry Potter World, and there are a few places I've visited in FL that I'd even go so far to say that I'd visit again.]

This point is, if you can't stomach New York's weather, March is often the month that breaks you. All the ups and downs in the weather can drive a person to madness. On a more positive note, if you can survive the Land of the Endless Winters, you end up with crazy amounts of endurance.

For the most part, I really don't hate March as passionately as everyone else. My birthday happens to be on March 8, so I've always associated this time of year with cake (good), presents (even better), and parties (the best!).

Sure, the weather's screwed up some of my birthday plans in the past, but I'm almost positive I wasn't permanently traumatized. When I turned 5, a blizzard either postponed or cancelled my birthday party. I survived. On my 21st birthday, it blizzarded again. However, you don't postpone or cancel a 21st birthday celebration. You just make sure the designated drivers are good winter weather drivers, and out you go.

I turned 24 this year. I mean 22. Either way, it was great. I celebrated for an entire week, ate ridiculous amounts of cake, avoided the gym like the plague, and even got to open some presents (even though I'm a Grown-Up). My favorite presents? They were from Kiah, Anneli's 10 yr old sister. She picked out bunny ears, a balloon, and some rose-shaped lollipops. What 24..or 22..year old wouldn't want that for their birthday? Exactly.

Within the 2 weeks after my birthday, I got to celebrate 4 1/2 other birthdays as well with friends in the area! [The 1/2 birthday belongs to my roommate Laura, who was successfully peer pressured into pretending her birthday was in March like the rest of us.]

With all those birthdays going on, who can waste time worrying about the weather? Not me. If you don't like the weather today, relax. It'll be different tomorrow.