
me: 1, procrastination: 0 (for today, at least)

Procrastination is one of my oldest and most faithful friends. It's followed me from birth right up to this very day. It's a strange friend, since it's appearance constantly shifts. The most common, and therefore dull, form is facebook. (Anyone with internet access could tell you that.) That form leaves you feeling empty, bored, and vaguely confused about how you ended up on your best friend's cousin's boyfriend's former roommate's brother's facebook page. Don't even try and deny that hasn't happened to you.

There are certainly more positive forms that Procrastination can take. For instance, sometimes I manage to get other work done (not the work that's the priority though, of course). Avoiding whatever it is that I need to do often results in me cleaning, reading, cooking, organizing, exercising...which are all good for me in the long run.

One of my favorite forms of Procrastination is looking back into the past. I'm hopelessly nostalgic, and I love to look at old pictures and read old journals and letters. Life is so much easier to comprehend when you look back on it - as opposed to whatever opaque, complex situation you might find yourself in at the present.

Anyway, my dear old friend Procrastination came around this weekend. I have been "working on" my applications to North Park's Seminary and Business School for about five months now, and was determined to finish them off this weekend. I pulled both applications out yesterday to check what still needed to be completed and if anything needed some final editing. My Seminary application was done and I was satisfied with it, but I still needed to finish the essay for the Business school application. I decided to get that done by tonight.

Well, after going out to coffee with friends, then going to the gym (for the record, I dearly love BOTH those forms of procrastination), I sat down at my computer.

And I thought about blogging.

That's right. This very blog almost became the next form of Procrastination. Luckily, I couldn't settle on what I should write about, so I finally gave in and finished my essay.

Take that, Procrastination. Don't feel too bad; you win every morning when it's time to get out of bed, so you'll be taking me down in about 7 1/2 hours.

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